Annapurna Base Camp: Why You Should Consider Doing This Trek

Part II

Day 7

We were tired and thus could not start our trek early next day, and so we started walking at 12 p.m. and it took exactly 2 and half hours to reach ABC. We arrived there at around 2: 20 PM kept our luggage in the trekker's hut and went to worship in the Shiv temple. The trekker's cabin in which we stayed at had four rooms and one dormitory. The beds near the windows were for the Porters while the beds in the middle were for the tourists. We were surprised to see so many different trekkers from various parts of the world assembled in a single room, and thus it gave us a chance to interact and share our experience with the rest of them and also get to know about their views about this journey.

I forgot to mention here that it was a cloudy day when we started our trek from the Machapuchare base camp. However, towards the late evening the sky cleared and we were once again able to view all the peaks at the base camp. Unfortunately we were only able to see the peaks for half an hour, because the clouds once again covered the mountain peaks.

We finished our dinner by 7 PM at night and went to sleep at around 8 PM. I woke up in the midnight and went out of the Dormitory and saw all the peaks shining brightly in the moonlight. I could clearly see the Annapurna South, Annapurna 3 and the Machapuchare peaks which is one sight definitely worth remembering. 

Day 8

The next day was perhaps the longest day of our journey because we have to walk for 10 hours and come down directly to Bamboo while crossing MBC, Deurali, Himalaya, and Dovan on the way. We stayed in Bamboo for the night.

Day 9

The next day we started our trek once again from Bamboo at around 6: 15 AM, and it took about 7 hours to reach Jhinu which is approximately about 10 km from the Bamboo. You will also find hot water spring near Modi Khola where you can relax and take a bath after all these hard trekking days.


From Jhinu we started our trek towards Syauli Bazaar, and it takes around 5 to 6 hours to reach the final destination. We took a taxi from the place and reached Pokhara which is about 45 Kilometers. In Pokhara we celebrated our successful trek and also thanked our porter and guide for their cooperation in making this trek a success. 


- Once you cross the Nepal border, please make sure that you provide the details of your camera and take the entry number with you to avoid harassment.

- Make sure you keep enough warm clothes, raincoat, umbrella, plastic sheet, sleeping bag  with you.

- You will get details of the porter and guide from the lakeside hotels in Pokhara.

- There are trekkers lodge and eatery throughout the route. However, you will find little accommodation in Himalaya hotel so better if you stay in Bamboo.

- Don't miss the sunrise and sunset during the trek trust me they are worth remembering throughout your entire life.
