A Complete Guide To Important Accessories And Riding Gears You Need For Touring

It's a good sign that many of the Indian bikers are now stepping out of their houses and exploring new and distant places on their motorcycles. The other good news is not only they are going places but are also encouraging other riders as well to step out of their comfort zone and explore. Recently you will also notice that plenty of Indian Motovlogger is trending on YouTube for their travel videos which are also encouraging another rider to actually travel with their motorcycles.
The reason why I have decided to cover this topic today is that I too am a huge Auto enthusiast and have traveled to many places on my beloved motorcycle, however, traveling on your motorcycle is not that easy and you cannot directly start your journey without prepping it as well as yourself. To make journey less hassle free I have decided to explain and also provide the links to some important accessories and riding gears that you need for Touring.


Although many motorcycles come with different features I am refereeing to few touring accessories that can be retrofitted to any motorcycles. So before you get into any other details let me just inform you that Touring mods are those changes which you can give your motorcycle to make it a perfect touring machine. Below I have listed some touring accessories which any person can install on their motorcycle     

Saddle Bags: Now for those who are wondering why should you use saddle bags I can assure you that saddlebags can be your best companion when you are touring. Forget the hassle of carrying everything on your backpack or rucksack and then tying it to your motorcycle. Buy a saddle bag which fits on to your motorcycle for a hassle-free experience. They have straps which fit easily to your motorcycles backseats and carriers. There are few which are waterproof while some come with rain covers which you need to put on to cover them before you start your trip. Now there are various kinds of saddlebags available on the market today while there are some expensive ones others are budget friendly as well. So if you get one of these important
Image Source: Amazon.in

accessories before you plan your next long trip on a motorcycle I am pretty sure these bags will help you carry your staff quite effortlessly.

Saddle Bags: Rhynox Saddle bags (recomended), For other saddlebag links click here

Tank Bags:


Image Source: Amazon.in

The tank bags are definitely one worthy accessory if you are planning to tour for long distances. This bag fits your metal tank either with a magnet or there are few others available which are also available with straps which can be fit to your nonmetallic tank quite easily. For those who do not want to store any important goods like a water bottle, power bank for charging your mobile phones or your wallet on the go can be easily stored in these tank bags.

Links to some tank bags which you can buy online: Rhynox Tank Bags (Recommend), For other tank bags option click the link here.


Image Source: Amazon.in

The Pannier falls under the category of hard luggage that you actually fit in your motorcycles. The Panniers can be either built of plastic or metal depending on your motorcycle type.  There are different procedures of fitting these panniers in the motorcycle. While some high-end motorcycle comes fitted with places to fit these panniers other needs some welding and extra fitments to fit them on motorcycles.  Panniers are really useful when it comes to carrying all your stuff safely.

Here are some links to Panniers which you can buy online: Pannier links 


Image Source: Amazon.in

This is a really useful feature that you need on your motorcycle especially while you are riding on the highways for long distance. Windblasts really slow you down and might also cause many other problems while you are riding for long distances. Few Indian motorcycles already come fitted with stock Windshields while for some motorcycles you have to fit an aftermarket one.

Below provided are the links to some windsheilds which you can buy online: Click the to shop for windshield here.

Auxiliary lights and fog lamps:

Image Source: Amazon.in

If you decide to ride on Indian highways especially during nighttime trust me when I say that these extra lights are a lifesaver. Half of the Indian highways are not lit properly so you definitely need good headlamps as well to illuminate the road ahead of you so that you can reach your destination safely.

Below provided are links to some other fog and auxiliary lamps which you can buy online: Link

Crash Guard:

Image Source: Amazon.in

There are plenty of aftermarket crash guards available in the Indian market however if you want to keep your motorcycle safe after it takes a fall then I would suggest you go for some strong and really effective crash guards which help to keep your motorcycle safe in case it takes a fall. While you will be riding for long distances continuously there is a possibility of a crash so a good crash guard will help to absorb the impact.

Provided below is the link to some other crash guards which you can buy online: Link


On our next part of this guide, we will be talking about some protective gears that a rider needs to keep themselves safe during long rides. Indian motorcycling like I already mentioned above has progressed a lot in the recent year's people are now getting their hands on bigger capacity motorcycles and also some expensive life-saving gears. If you are riding for the long distance then you definitely need safety gears because without them the rider is exposed to all kind of danger. So if you are planning your next long or even short trip then I would suggest you get your protective riding gear as soon as possible.

I have tried to provide a complete guide to all the protective gears that you can buy on the market today.


Image Source: Amazon.in

This is definitely the most important life-saving gear that you need while riding your motorcycle. It is unfortunate that many bikers still prefer not to wear helmets while going for short rides. As a rider, I would suggest every single person on Indian road to wear your helmets while riding your motorcycle because Indian roads are definitely counted amongst one of the worst roads of the World and also is responsible for millions of deaths. That said; let us get back to our topic once again. Helmets can be of various prices, shapes, and sizes. I would personally recommend you to go to renowned manufacturers like Arai, Shoei for those who cannot also go for some budget brands like LS2, Steelbird, Vega or even Studds.

Click the link below to check out some other helmets which are sold online: Link

Motorcycle Gloves:

Image Source: Amazon.in

I would also recommend you to wear protective gloves while you ride a motorcycle. In case of a fall, a riders first instinct or tendency is to use their hand to break the fall so your hand is the first thing which needs to be protected first after your head. There are various kinds of gloves available in the market but invest in a good pair of gloves and stay safe while you ride or if you even fall from your motorcycle.

Below provided are links to some other motorcycle gloves that you can buy online: Link

Riding Jackets:

Image Source: Amazon.in

One of another important thing that a biker need is protective riding jacket while you are riding. A motorcyclist is exposed to all the dangers of the outside world and there is no protective shell around you like that you have in a car to protect you. Thus this protective riding jackets definitely helps save your vital organs in case of a fall or an accident. There are various protective shells positioned inside a riding jacket to save vital organs and bones.

The links to some other riding jackets are also provided for you: Links

Riding Pants:

Image Source: Amazon.in

Just like a riding jacket a riding pant is also necessary to protect the lower part of your body. A Riding pant also has some protective pads on your knees which helps protect your lower body in case of a fall or an accident.

The links to some other riding pants are provided here go check them out as well: Link

Riding shoes:

Image Source: Amazon.in

Just like any other protective gears mentioned Riding shoes are also necessary while riding your motorcycle for long distance because they definitely protect your feet from every possible danger that you can face while riding your motorcycle. However for those who don't want to get their hands on a riding boot which are slightly expensive can always opt for a regular high ankle boots.

You can also check out some other riding boots by clicking the link here

I have tried to cover almost every accessories and riding gears than one needs for Touring however if I missed anything you can leave the details in the comment section and I will surely include that to this list.

P.S: I am not any of the above-mentioned products nor I have been provided any e-commerce website to promote their goods.       
